Saturday, July 26, 2008


For those of you who are wondering why my posts have been few and far between, I wanted to assure you that I have not run out of material :)

Much of my time and efforts lately have been geared towards a couple of bigger projects. One is my course of study in Classical Chinese medicine with Daoist priest Jeffrey Yuen. It is an unfathomable amount of material to get through and digest. I will post material on this content and my experience with it soon.

The other is that much of my writing these days has been diverted into a book that I have begun writing on Chinese medicine for the public. I have made lots of headway on this project and am about 100 pages in. My goal is to have a book ready for publication by the end of the year. I will post excerpts soon.

Please don't stop visiting....


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Support for a friend

I am forwarding this email from a dear friend who is embarking on a trip and fund raising effort for a noble cause. Please read below. Thanks.


I am going to Israel this November on a very special trip, and I want to take you with me! I am traveling with Rabbis for Human Rights – North America, an organization that works to protect the rights of all – Jews and Arabs alike – in Israel and the West Bank. We will be visiting with the leaders and members Rabbis for Human Rights and other Israeli human rights groups like Betzelem, the Israeli Human Rights organization, Machsom Watch, women who witness the treatment of Palestinians at checkpoints, Shovrim Shtika, soldiers who break the silence about human rights abuses and many others. Rabbis for Human Rights and these groups are partners dedicated to realizing the founding vision of Israel to be a state based on the prophetic ideals of justice freedom and peace. As Israel celebrates its 60th anniversary, I am going to Israel to express my solidarity with their inspiring vision and the courageous work of these Israelis.

One of the most important events on this trip will be the planting of trees in Israel and on the West Bank as part of Planting Justice: The Two Trees Campaign of Rabbis for Human Rights. These will be trees of life hope and peace, trees planted with the intention of building a future where both Israelis and Palestinians will enjoy security, dignity and peace.

And this is how I'd like to take you with me: I hope you will want to be one of my trip supporters, and by extension, a supporter of the courageous and righteous work of Rabbis for Human Rights and its partners by making a donation to the Two Trees Campaign. Our group hopes to give Rabbis for Human Rights $36,000 raised from our friends, family and community. As part of my commitment, I've set a goal of raising $1,000 for Rabbis for Human Rights before I leave. You can give your contribution in honor or memory of someone and Rabbis for Human Rights will send the honoree a certificate. By participating in this way, you will be planning the trees with me. As another way of taking you with me on this journey, our group will send you a report on our trip when we return.

Below you will find a flyer about the Two Trees Campaign and a contribution form. You can also find out more about the campaign and make a donation online by visiting:

Please let me know if you make the donation online so I can acknowledge your gift and count it towards my fundraising goal.

Please consider making a gift (multiples of $18) to help me meet my goal of raising $1,000 before I leave in November. [I will greatly appreciate any amount you can give.] It would be wonderful to take you with me to Israel in this way.

Thanks so much for considering my request. For more information about the work of Rabbis for Human Rights please visit www.


B'virkat Shalom-Salaam/Blessings for Peace,


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

July Charity of the Month

We have chosen Save Darfur as July's charity. For those unaware of this organization, you can learn more about Save Darfur here and here. You can take action by joining the coalition or donating here.