Just yesterday, a New York Times Magazine article was brought to my attention. It was about diagnosing a young girl with periodic fevers and abdominal pain that would come and go every so often. The doctors were perplexed and it wasn't until she had a positive test that they had any real idea of what was going on. If only this was a rare occurrence, I would pay it no mind. But the following quote was made by one of the doctors. It struck me how sad it is that a doctor could make this statement; especially as it seemed to be stated out of a pride for the advancement of western diagnostic tests. What about the decline of medical diagnosis? The quote was:
"In medicine, we can only really know a disease once we have a test that can reliably identify it."
Years ago, the neurologist I work with said: "By the time the patient gets fown the hall to my office, I know the diagnosis."
As a green young acupuncture physician I said: "That's the art of medicine."
"No," he says. "The art of medicine is that I still do a thorough exam."
So all is not lost. Some doctors still think. And others still feel.
That is very encouraging. My hope is that it becomes the norm, not the exception. Thanks.
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